Preston is a true alchemist: turning vegetables and fruits into the most amazingly delicious nutrition packed elixirs. More importantly to me, Preston, a certified Nutritionist and Life Coach, not only ‘talks the talk’ he ‘walks the walk’. He clearly loves and believes in what he does and you can see this in the sparkle in his eyes, hear it in his voice when he calls to check in and you can taste it in the juices.

I have had the great pleasure and privilege of doing several juice cleanses with Preston: 3 day, 4 day, 5 day, 7 day and even a 10 day cleanse! During the “active juicing” days I look forward to the exceptionally delicious juice combinations and the sublime nut milks—with 6 juices per day I don’t feel hungry or deprived: the fact that they are delivered directly to my fridge and I never have to go to the market or wash a dish is a huge help and fantastic bonus. Additionally, Preston’s personal support and exuberance is all part of the process—more on that in a bit.

Once I am into the juicing groove (usually by day 3) I am feeling incredibly clear and energized—my entire mindset changes and I click over from “I am drinking 6 juices a day” to “I am really giving my body a wonderful gift”. Then my skin starts to glow, my sleep improves, my pants feel better and I have more bounce in my step. The next thing I know my friends start to say: “wow, you look amazing! What have you been doing?”!!!


​My attention was initially captured by founder Preston Ephraim’s apparent health and vigour. In the spirit of “I’ll have what he’s having” I ordered my first 3-day juice fast. After a brief overview of the programme and the varying entry levels, I chose the advanced level as a vegetarian of many years. Five green juices and a nut milk made up the six drinks per day and they were each unique from one another and delicious, providing variety of flavor to make the fast more interesting. Neither hungry nor tired (although I did arrange to have a lighter schedule during the fast), I really enjoyed the experience and emerged feeling lighter and brighter.

​All in all a very positive experience including the packaging which included helpful affirmations with each juice. Thank you!


I have now fasted twice with Preston. My reason for doing so is because I suffer severely with arthritis every winter in my lower back in the L4 & L5 region. The organic nutrients provided through his variety of daily pressed organic products have assisted in the reduction of my inflammation during these winter months. So much so that this winter I have not had any arthritis related issues. The investment made for the first pre winter fast and the most recent fast has helped reduce ailments that have previously hindered my movement and/or left me bedridden when the Bermuda dampness kicks in.

His products, services, and knowledge on the benefits of each selection has kept me a customer. As I continue focus on my daily lifestyle changes I will incorporate a quarterly fast as I work on my overall healthy living and weight management with Preston. However the most amazing benefit of all is his attention to my health conditions, the delivery flexibility and also those cute heart cards. I will continue to highly recommend Preston to anyone who desires a life changing journey.


I had been looking to do a natural cleanse for some time. However, being a very busy individual, I didn’t have time to do the preparations. While on Facebook one day in December, I saw a post from a friend of mine who was just starting her cleanse. I enquired about it and she gave me Preston’s contact information.

I immediately sent him an email asking questions. His proposal seemed simple. Drink six 16 oz. juices each day. He gave me the option of anywhere from one to five days. Being a person who is into fitness I chose the five day plan. The first batch of juices were delivered to me by Preston, on a Sunday evening, at my home. I was excited to start.
Day one was a bit rough. I miscalculated how filing the drinks would be and ended up at the end of the day still having my last drink unopened. Day 2 and 3 went much better. I was able to consume them all. Day 4 was a struggle as I was busy in meetings and had to work out the juices between meetings but I managed to get them all in. Day 5 was the Friday before Christmas and I had a lot of appointments and only got 4 of the drinks in.

I must say, the juices were absolutely delicious. Even though I do not like carrots, the orange drink with the carrot in it was my favourite. By the end of the week I had a clearer complexion. I had three people tell me my skin looked smooth or radiant by the end of the week. I recommend to anyone doing this for the first time, do the three day plan to start. I plan on doing this once a quarter.